课程考核成绩 |
90-100分 (优秀) |
80-89分 (良好) |
70-79分 (中等) |
60-69分 (及格) |
60分以下 (不及格) |
课程成绩绩点 |
4.0-5.0 (4.5) |
3.0-3.9 (3.5) |
2.0-2.9 (2.5) |
1.0-1.9 (1.5) |
0 |
补考和重修 成绩绩点 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
年 月 日
Grading Scale
According to the Undergraduate Academic Records Management Regulation of XAUAT, the conversion relations between course grade point and scores is as following:
Scores |
90-100分 (Excellent or A) |
80-89分 (Good or B) |
70-79分 (Mediun or C) |
60-69分 (pass or D) |
60分以下 (Failure or E) |
Grade Point |
4.0-5.0 (4.5) |
3.0-3.9 (3.5) |
2.0-2.9 (2.5) |
1.0-1.9 (1.5) |
0 |
Grade Point of Supplementary and Re-take Course |
2 |
1 |
0 |
The calculation methods of Grade Point Average is as following:
GPA=∑ (Course Grade Point×Course Credit)/ ∑ Course Credit
Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology (XAUAT)